{% extends "base_onerow.html" %} {% block page_title %}- {{ teaching.label }}{% endblock %} {% block meta_title %}- {{ teaching.label }}{% endblock %} {% block extra_keywords %}{{ teaching.label }}, {{ teaching.fake_label }}, {{ teaching.series.name }}, {{ teaching.category.category }} {% endblock %} {% block head_id %}head-shoreline{% endblock %} {% block tl %}id="current"{% endblock %} {% block content_head %}{{ teaching.label }}{% if teaching.series.itunes %}  iTunes  RSS{% endif %}{% if user.is_staff %}  Upload Teachings{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block left_content %} {% endblock %} {% block center_content %}
Teaching Name:{{ teaching.label }}
Teaching Date:{{ teaching.teaching_date }}
Teaching File:{{ teaching.filepath.name }}
(left-click to listen/view, right-click to download)
Teaching File Size:{{ teaching.filesize }}
Teaching File Type:{{ teaching.mime_type }}
Teaching Duration:{{ teaching.duration }}
Teaching Series:{{ teaching.series.name }}
Teaching Category:{{ teaching.category }}
{% endblock %}